Currencies is the largest market in the world. It is globally accessible for 24-hours. They have lower entry barriers and small margin requirements that you can take advantage of, thus making it an important part in a retail investor's portfolio. In addition, you can start trading in currencies through your existing equity account, as well.

There are several advantages of investing in currencies. Here are a few that you might want to take a note of

Investments Options

The currency futures option allows trading and investing on short term movement of markets. It also allows you to take long term exposures to various currencies.


You don’t have to pay the full traded value. Instead, you have to pay only a margin of the total value, in order to start trading in currency derivatives.


Make the right choice by hedging potential losses thus protecting your foreign exchange exposure in business.

Why invest with VWM?

While trading in currencies with us you don’t have to go through the process of opening an all-new account just to trade in currencies. You have the choice of using the margin money from your other asset classes like equity. There is no obligation to create another special investment for currency trading. Every platform is fully equipped with trade-track-review capabilities. The in-built research and advice are completely reliable.

A specialized research desk is allotted for the currency segment so that you are kept informed and provided, daily and weekly, technical reports and insights about the markets.

Products Offered

You can choose from an array of options to trade ranging from currency futures, currency options to inter-currency trading.

There is complete flexibility in trading across exchanges such as NSE-CD, MCXSX-CD & BSE-CD.

You have the choice to use the margin money from your other asset classes like equity. There is no obligation to create another special investment for currency trading.